Decoding the Vision: Uncovering Meaning and Creating Purpose

future self goals Jun 14, 2023

When the New Year arrives, many of us fall into a familiar pattern. We set resolutions, jot down our goals, and create a bucket list. It's almost like hitting the copy button from the previous year and pasting it onto the fresh canvas of the New Year. But if you were to ask a group of people what was on their list by January 5th, chances are they won't even remember half of the things they wrote down. It's as if they have become disconnected from their own aspirations, from the things they claim to want to accomplish in the coming year. Why does this happen?

The Surface:

The truth is, most people tend to stay on the surface. They stay on the surface of their desires, believing that they truly want certain things. They put down items like a house, a car, or losing weight without going deeper. But if you believe in the law of attraction, you know that there's more to it than meets the eye. You need to get underneath the surface, dig a little deeper.

The universe is a busy place, and simply stating that you want a house or a car doesn't create a sense of urgency for it to manifest in your life. It becomes just a representation of your desire. However, when you peel back the layers and understand what these things truly represent, you tap into a higher frequency. For example, a house may represent safety and security. By expressing your desire for a house to provide safety and security for yourself and your loved ones, you create a connection with the universe.


To exist at the frequency of what you want, you need to understand the difference between a want and a need. You need to do the deep work of unraveling why you want something. The house becomes a need when it represents the fundamental human need for safety and security. This is the kind of work we discuss in Designing Genius, going beyond the surface to understand what truly drives us.

Vision Boards:

When we look at vision boards, they all tend to look the same. We pick up the same magazines, cut out pictures of lavish vacations, mega mansions, sports cars, and fancy watches. But do we really know why we want these things? Do we understand what they truly represent? Instead of cluttering our vision boards with numerous items, we should focus on a select few and uncover the deeper meaning behind them.

Examine the Evidence:

When you take the time to examine your life and what brings meaning to it, you'll often find that it's not just the external symbols of success that matter. Perhaps you want that vacation because you want to bring your family together and connect with them on a deeper level. It's about creating moments of uninterrupted family time, free from distractions and work. When you understand the true meaning behind these desires, you can have conversations with your family, involving them in the planning process and making it a meaningful experience for everyone.

Discover the Purpose:

Meaningful moments don't always have to come from grand vacations. As you deepen your understanding of your own behavior, you'll learn how to infuse meaning into your daily life, creating intentional moments within your home. It's about recognizing what truly matters to you and finding ways to incorporate those meaningful experiences into your everyday routine.

Moreover, the things we wanted in the past may hold different meanings for us now. What used to be a superficial desire can transform into something that aligns with our values and brings true fulfillment. For example, the aspiration to get fit and look a certain way may evolve into a desire for good health, not only for ourselves but also for our families and the experiences we want to share with them. This growth and understanding of our own desires give us the power to pursue them with a newfound purpose.

At Designing Genius, we love getting to the root of things. We believe in uncovering the deeper meaning behind our desires and aspirations. Join us on this journey of self-discovery, as we delve into the core of who we are and what truly matters to us. Let's decode the vision together and create lives filled with purpose and fulfillment.



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