The Excitement of a Book Signing Event

Sep 13, 2023

Hey there, it's Amilya and Patricia here, and guess what? We're getting ready for our very first book signing! We're beyond excited, and even though it's old hat for Amilya, it's a completely new and thrilling experience for Patricia.

This book signing is going to be extra special because it's happening at Secret Knock in San Diego, and we've never done it together in such a vibrant community of authors and attendees.

Secret Knock does this reverse swag bag thing, which we absolutely love. Instead of celebrities and big shots getting the goodies, all the attendees get to grab cool business tools, books, and get to meet their favorite authors - and we're among them! How cool is that?

But, let's be honest, even with all the excitement, there's a little nervousness lurking in the background. We've put our hearts and souls into this book, and now people are finally going to get their hands on it. It's a mix of anticipation and anxiety, wanting everyone to like it as much as we do.

Amilya is surprisingly calm about the whole thing, feeling like the premiere of a movie they've been working on for years. But Patricia can't help feeling a bit anxious. We'd love to hear from those of you who have read "Designing Genius" - your comments would boost our confidence!

If you've been part of our Designing Genius journey, feel free to post your questions and comments below. And if we get to meet you at the book signing, we can't wait to autograph your copy! It's one of the few times we'll both be signing together, so it's going to be a special moment.

Whether we see you here at this event or another one, we're so excited to share "Designing Genius" with you all. Thanks for being part of our community and supporting us on this incredible journey. See you soon!



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